Any owners who want to tell me more about it? I recently received an inheritance worth about 13k. I can shell out another 2 grand to get my end-game DAC with headphones. Or...maybe the wife and kids want their bathrooms renovated 

Please tell me how it sounds. I don't have a dealer close-by to audition. I just want "end-game" performance so I won't have to worry. I listen to mostly .flac and .wav files with some .mp3s (320 kbps) in the mix. Only because it was hard to get those albums so I downloaded mp3s and saved money.


- Jack


@jackhifiguy   As of today 8/1/22 the price of the DAVE is $14,000  If I were you I'd buy the Chord Hugo TT2..Give the rest to the wife to spruce up the bathrooms.

When funds permit or a deal pops up buy the Mscaler.. Thats what I have and I'm very happy.

Recently my nephew had a Chord Dave and replaced it with a Lampizator Baltic 3.  It was a marked improvement in SQ in his system.  I liked the difference so much I went and bought the Lampi Big 7 mk2.  It's just so much more organic and natural sounding.


Since your goal seems to be objective fidelity, I would put more stock in measurements than subjective listening impressions. Having said that, out of all the Chord DACs I've listened to over the years (DAVE - with and without M Scaler, Hugo2, Mojo, and Qutest), my favorite is actually the Qutest. It also happens to be the DAC that measures the best. Coincidence? Perhaps.

Audio aside, it may be best to spend the money on those new bathrooms for your family as another poster mentioned. They're much more important than gadgets and gear.

As for objective fidelity and measurements ASR, has recently trashed the Chord DAVE.

Objectively speaking, if you follow what's been going on in the forums it is clear to me that one doesn't have to spend more than the cost of the Holo May to get a taste of the best that digital has to offer.  I have done it for less, but I'm not in this thread to promote a brand.

IMO, though, Chord products are the most cheaply built (except for their cases), overpriced DACs on the market.  The DAVE has a very inexpensive to make switch-mode power supply and at the heart of its analog stage are two $1.50 TI chips.  I don't think a component can give more than what it is made of.  A very personal view. And not to mention that this $14,000 DAC needs a $5,650 accessory to sound its best.

Better remodel those bathrooms man, or it will cost you even more when the wife finds out.