Can anyone tell me where the progress in audio went?



Not field coil speaker rated, but one of the best videos/sound I've heard on YT (in regard to a vintage horn speaker) may have been done by "johnk" who has posted in this thread.

I think it was an RCA design (not Western Electric) and I'm not certain if it was a rebuild or a reproduction.

Been searching for the video for a few years without any luck.

The speaker/horn looked like an early WE design, but again I think/recall that it was of RCA manufacture.


I know nothing of the design of the speaker/video I posted, but I do see gaps on the back sides of the horn.

They do not look even/symmetrical to me, but this may be due to the camera angle(s).


Audioamp states:

"I find it funny that people who claim the superiority of vinyl keep trying to get their rigs to sound more and more like digital :-)"

Really...Who does this? (Names please)


Next question:

Why the distain for audiophiles & vinyl?


Last question (for now):

How many names have you used on this site prior to this one?


Please Advise



Not that one...

The bottom portion looked like a basin that would have been used for washing metal parts in a machinist’s shop 80 years ago.

It was tall and maybe 36" (or less) wide.

Appeared to be metal.

I’ll see if I can come up with a pic of the WE look-a-like later, unless johnk did do the build and can offer info in the meantime.
