My "false" statement should have read MISLEADING.
It is MISLEADING the OP to state the PL is an amp you buy, only if you spend another $1500 worth of tubes.
As mentioned, the OP should spend time at the PL site to get informed.
@tablejockey I have highly regarded and appreciated your posts and responses over the years, but you are misconstruing my statements above. I also did not say “it’s only an amp you buy if you spend on tubes.” I am very favorable towards the PL above, and all I say is “You should plan to spend”. This investment is typically made, but it doesn’t mean that it is incurred up front. The fact of the matter is that most PL owners end up investing in NOS or aftermarket tubes for the unit. Perhaps they purchase it first and live with it for a few months or even years. But then, they do end up buying tubes for it that in total increase the total investment into the amplifier. The $1,000-1,500 amount I believe is fairly on point because it covers a gamut:
… and so on. The unit is a gateway to tube rolling, and I just wanted to inform the OP of that, that most succumb to rolling to get it to sound its best, and what it might cost overall. I had no other intent other than to prep the OP for this.
@ps I think the Primaluna is definitely in the “modern tube amp” camp. It might have a touch of euphonic compared to a 100% neutral solid state amplifier. It can have a bit more warmth than say an ARC Ref 150 SE, but it’s not as euphonic as say a Luxman KT-88 amp. It is very versatile, and rolling other tubes like Gold Lion KT-88 or Psvane EL34PH, combined with NOS 12AU7 like Brimar CV4003 or Mullard CV4003 can make it more euphonic. I understated the Psvane EL34PH above, as they do add a wonderful sense of romanticism and bloom while keeping wondering speed and definition at the frequency extremes they are my favorite readily-available EL34 tubes today, but they run upwards of $450-500 per quad FWIW, if you are not looking for high power, I am a new dealer for Margules, and I have the last new Margules I-240 integrated amplifier coming my way. At 25wpc, it might be just what you are looking for. It is getting glowing reviews and was a contender for best in show at the recent Pacific Audio Fest just a few weeks ago. Google it and see what reviews come up and PM me if interested in discussing more. |