Time to upgrade the pre-amp.

I am currently running and ARC SP-16l into an Art Audio PX-25 power amp which feeds a pair of Blumenhofer Genuin FS2s (94db). I listen to mostly vinyl atm, and I have an external phono stage (Icon PS1 mkii). I think at this point, the pre-amp is the weak link.

Although I am not wedded to buying another ARC preamp, I am leaning in that direction due to company reputation, longevity, accessibility of local dealers (Northern NJ) and resale value, though I am definitely looking for that full mid-range and "musicality" typically associated with all tube architectures.

I have an opportunity to buy an SP-11 for $4,000, and from what I am seeing, if I wait, I may be able to get an SP-10 in that same range. However, for ~$2,000 more, I could likely get a Ref 5SE, which would be the top of the budget, but has in addition to any sonic advantages, a remote and tube hour tracker.

My questions are: (1) is it worth holding out for the newer Ref series (~10 yrs old at this point) vs the SP10/11 which are 40 years old at this point; and (2) if it comes between the SP10 and SP11, What I have read here is that the SP10 is all tube, but while that unit’s phono stage is particularly strong, the rest of the line inputs are not up to the SP-11. If it turns out that they are close, I would likely choose the SP10 between those two.

Very interested in how folks think about this.


Buy a nice older Counterpoint nd send it to me for upgrades.  You won't look back at anything else and it will be below your budget or you can buy one of my products that are customer built, point-to-point wired.


Happy Listening.

@curiousjim Great call on the BHK. It is a hybrid tube preamp but it is spectacular for its price point and really hard to beat if you can get it on the used market for $3500 or less. I actually preferred it to more euphoric preamps like the $18K Viva Linea. Aftermarket tubes bring the unit to an even better level than the already decent stock Psvane. 

If you decide to go the vintage route, I had my SP11 Mk II refurbished by ARC just last year. Cost about $1k all in, including new tubes and shipping. It sounds fantastic, and was well worth the cost, in my opinion. Though, I haven’t heard the others on your shortlist to compare. I have it paired with a VS115, into Proac D48’s. 

You may want to check timing with ARC on service before going that route, they were/are quite backed up last I’d heard. Mine took about five months total. 


@curiousjim Great call on the BHK. It is a hybrid tube preamp“

I was totally tube or hybrid separates until last year, when I bought my first SS integrated amp.  But before I bought the Hegel, I was looking seriously at the BHK and a few others .  I’ve has ARC forever, in fact I still have a SP9mkll  with some Acoustat Model. X’ and both of them are hybrid.