"If you have cancer go for the loving doctor"
So, you want your doctor to be unloving? I had three cardiologists....and the only one that figured out what was really wrong was the super loving one. Love does not mean lack of science......love means you care enough about the person that you look deeper because you CARE. Thank God for this loving doctor......I might not even be here now, if he did not care so much.
I would say 98 percent of the threads and interactions on this forum are subjective based......very little talk of measurements, except when an objectivist drops in to stir the pot.......or a product is discussed that was reviewed on ASR.....etc. So, what is an objectivist doing on this forum? Hardly anyone cares about graphs and blah blah. You certainly cannot have a discussion with an objectivist about what sounds good. It is like a atheist walking into a church and waving a science book in the air and talking real loud about how there is no God as it cannot be measured and proved via science. What purpose is this behavior? Does it make anyone happy? This behavior is NOT loving. Love gives people what they want.....not what you want. People here want better sound. Got any of that? What and who are you glorifying? Life is incredible......we are all beautiful.....may we all see and feel our own worth and beauty.
Let's do the "Summer of Love" forever!!!!!!
Remember the Troggs?....."Love is all around us".....check it out on Youtube.