Why is Audiogon checking my browser?

For the past few days, I keep getting a prompt to show I am human. Lots of Capcha that even though I input the proper number of items, prompts me to another Capcha.

If this is the future, I am going to bail.



I was not allowed on to the Audiogon site, the page said it didn't recognise me. I contacted Tammy, took only a few minutes to fix. They must be installing new security measures.

@ticat  the way i got around this is going to forum.audiogon.com.  no need to restart your compuer. 

It seems the new security system has some bugs.

Now, I get the 'checking browser' screen, but it moves onto the page I wanted.


Usually Capta is used to reduce attacks from netbots.  It could be that Audiogon has noticed some logins from netbots that have been getting past their member access controls.  The bots could have been using Audiogon to spam or attack its members with private messages.