Hey Nyev,
No. Don’t do that. Change your speakers.
B&W 802s use mid-high end Mundorf film caps in most places. They are a distinct part of the B&W’s character. Also, those film caps will last hundreds of years. It’s the electrolytic caps that may go out after 25.
If you want to experiment with capacitor rolling pleeeease don’t use new-ish, high end B&W’s to start with!! 🤣 Get a kit speaker and play with it. You’ll have a lot more fun, do a lot less damage and learn a great deal more.
There are times when I strongly recommend people change their crossovers. Some of the Infinity speakers had notoriously bad impedance curves which new crossovers fix. Focal uses Solen/Axon and even a modest replacement to Mundorf MKPs is a huge improvement.
In several years you might have to check the electrolytic caps in your speakers. Until then I'd leave them alone.