inexpensive streaming setup

Today I am almost exclusively vinyl for critical listening (3000 albums). Several years ago I went to a DAP to listen to while traveling. I now use the DAP at home plugged into my preamp via it’s line out and stream from Tidal to add to my relatively small collection of digital files. I would like to try a streaming setup that has comparable sound quality without breaking the bank. The DAP is Hiby R6 plugged into the Aux on a Melos 333 reference preamp, a Jolida JD 502 P Power Amplifier, REL T7 Sub, Martin Logan Aries speakers, and VPI Aries turntable with a Koetsu Black cartridge. I do not expect it to sound as good as my analog setup but at least as good as the R6 playing through my system.

Currently looking at a Bluesound Node and Hub.

Anyone have any other suggestions.

Thanks in advance


Anyone play with the Audioengine B-FI or Andover Audio Songbird both under 200 and have DACs??

I thought I was the only one who was streaming from a DAP! In my case an Astell-Kern Kann streaming TIdal into an external DAC.  Must say I've been posing the same question to myself for a while.  Truthfully streaming through the DAP sounds really good. I've tried the Bluesound and found that the MQA files sounded worse to me (more closed off) and Bluesound to my DAC not as good as the DAP.   

I'd be very curious to hear (literally) what you come up with!

update on my travels and where I thing I will end up I dug out a 4 year old rasberry pi i used for a programing gig I did a few years back and loaded Volumio on it. I then used the Hiby r6 as an external DAC. I then compared that to the R6 by itself in both instances the R6 was connected to my Melos preamp via it's line out to the cd RCAs. I do not know why but using a local file sounded slightly better on the R6 stand alone but streaming Tital sounding better on the combo. I then put a iFi Zen Air DAC fed from the RP very close to the R6. Then added the iFi SilentPower to both the RP and the Zen now it is slightly more musical to the R6 although the R6 has a little more base extension. Saturday I get a bleusoung Node 2021 will update after if anyone is interested?

I say buy a node and then later an external 1-2k dac as funds allow if not happy.