musician aquarius r2r dac any good?

I am about to pull the trigger on Musician Aquarius r2r dac. I would like to know if it is any good comparing to other DAC around 3k-5k USD? Please share your opinion, it will be highly appreciated!!


I don't hear much talk of Lampizator.  Are these different type?  Just curious, my bank account won't support.

@viethluu just curious, have you tried the Warm “orange” filter on the Qutest? I remember when I had the Qutest I really liked the sweeter sound that engaging the Warm filter produced. 

@gladmo I am on the same boat as you buddy. My impression of the Aquarius all comes from internet review. What I am hoping for is landing some where between the Venus and the Terminator. That is why I picked up the Aquarius. I am also exploring the option of having Audio Note r2r. From what I heard they are also very good.

@audphile1 I tried every filters on the Hugo2. The sound changed a little bit with each filter. Yet the soundstage stays the same, the transparency does changed a tiny bit, not increasing but decreasing.

I also tried the Hugo2 running on battery only, the transparency improved a little bit.

Like I said, the Hugo2 has reach its maximum capacity. It has become a bottleneck in my system. My need for a new DAC is real.

Got it!

I just went through a DAC upgrade myself. Ended up with a Bricasti M3. 
Years ago I had an Audio Research CD3 MkII CD player running it with ARC LS-25 preamp, Pass X250.5 amp and B&W N803. I sold the CD3 MkII when I went with a computer based system and eventually with streaming. I’ve been thru a number of DACs, speakers, preamps and amps and was unable to replicate that sheer musicality and level of engagement that CD player had. Until the Bricasti landed in my system last Sunday. I’ve been glued to the chair listening ever since. 
Throw this DAC in a mix. I’m pretty sure you won’t regret it if you end up with it.