Speaker Questions

Hello. I am looking to get some new speakers but I am on a relatively tight budget. WAF is important for me in the buying decision.

I have found a pair of Polk Audio S50 towers for $200 each and that seems like a good deal, but I don't really see any Polk Audio on the recommended lists. Not even in the WAF section. I would prefer a Tower speaker, but I suppose I could go with some good bookshelves on stands.

Here's what I'm considering;Polk S50 Towers (White)Polk S30 Center (White)Polk ES15 Rear's (White)Polk RC60i In Ceiling speakers (for atmos)

All in, I can get this for about $880. It SEEMS like a good set, though I have nowhere to listen to it locally. I really like the aesthetic and haven't had any arguments from the SO yet.

That all being said, the fact that these don't come "recommended" in any of the buying guides has me worried that I am doing myself a disservice by not looking at other speakers.

I don't see ANY white towers anywhere near that range, but there are some bookshelf ones. More specifically, I could get the KEF Q150's for L & R at $300/pair, but then I don't know where I would be able to go from here for center, surround, and atmos speakers. Would the KEF Bookshelf be better than the polk tower? I'm in need of some guidance here.



Check out a pair of Klispch RF3’s. I’m using a pair of the RF2 ll’s in my HT system and they have plenty of punch.

All the best.


This site is an iffy place to ask for recommendations, as one gets every point of view, including sane ones, crackpot ones, and ones based entirely on preconceived notions. For example, people who say "All XXX speakers are bad" can't possibly have listened to them all, and how do you know what they mean by "bad"? Maybe it's what you would call "good."

On the Steve Hoffman Forums (Google for them), you will find a moderated hardware forum with many practical and generally courteous audiophiles, including quite a few Polk users. Yes, there will be a variety of opinions, but people listen to one another, the moderation tends to weed out the cranks, and you'll find people who actually have listened to the speakers you are thinking about -- and also many other moderately priced speakers.

The present site is great for selling gear, and its forums provide entertainment and at times some good answers to very specific questions. But for someone on a budget asking the question you did, I suggest you try the alternative mentioned and see what you think.

At this point, buy what your budget and ears like.  There is plenty of time to expand ones' preferences as your time and disposable cash allow later.... ;)

(Imho....the concept of cash being 'disposable' is rather obnoxious, as is most other explanations of such.  An acquisition for pleasure, beauty, involvement, and the like shouldn't be considered as an investment either.)
Spouse and I sometimes buy 'art' to our tastes.  It may not be 'investment' nor 'museum' levels, but it pleases our eyes, tastes, and mindsets...

Basically, please yourself first and foremost.  Adopt whatever your read here to your space as possible and practical, and attend to the all-important SAF 'guidelines'.

Consider carefully the 'tweaks' and 'additions' espoused within these posts.
The Hunt For Perfection can be daunting, and generally can be considered an addiction of a sly nature....

Go have Fun.

And have a fun weekend, meanwhile...;)


A "BIG +1" for the tweaks! (As mentioned in the above post)!

  And also "Room Treatments"! Those being (as) if not more important than those speaker "tweak" types of improvements as well!

Tons of those both, listed on this site!