Kef Blade or Wilson Audio Alexia?

Please give your advise, if I am to buy a floor standing speakers and place it in a 28 sq ft room, would you prefer a Wilson Audio Alexia or Kef Blade?

As I said in my previous post the Blade is a chameleon of a speaker, and it depends where and what you heard it on.

Some of the dealers do not have them setup correctly or do not have the right sized rooms to make them sing, my pair sounds amazing, except that I do not get the extreme deep bass that I have heard come out of them in a different room.

What is interesting in Sound Stage's article titled the speakers I would buy for $100k he listed both the Blades and the more expensive Vivids.

In the review on the Blades from I think Hifi news or hifi plus came away with the same conclusions I have which is if you set them up right, they sound like a $70k speaker.

I also have the 207.2 and the Blades are vastly superior to the 207.2. I have heard the Sasha, and the Blades are again a vastly superior speaker, same with the Blades vs the Magico products in the same range.

You owe it to yourself to hear them well setup, they are amazing.
The Absolute Sound review of the KEF Blade was unequivocally favorable. So much so that I was also thinking of getting a pair of Q900s as an affordable consolation prize, or maybe since I have a matched pair of compact subs, the R-300 or 50th Anniversary stand-mounts.

Also, here's a Stereophile evaluation that acknowledges that demos at previous shows were not good, but that this demo was done under much better circumstances and would be on the reviewer's short list.
Does anyone really make a purchasing decision based on what some random person writes on this forum?
12-20-12: Rpeluso
Does anyone really make a purchasing decision based on what some random person writes on this forum?

Not likely, but it's probably been the catalyst for many auditions.
@Rpeluso, I now have kef speakers (203/2 and LS50). I am thinking of upgrading my speakers, top on the list is kef blade or WA alexia. I have auditioned the blade but not yet the other one. I purchased some components of my audio system based on what people say, especially in this forum. I look at the technical specs, then try to find negative comments based on someone's actual experience. The review in the audio magazines are sometimes bias.Comments here are straight and forward, but of course it's up to you to consider which one is applicable to your system.