Why Purchase A CD Player or Transport ?

I am 100% invested in vinyl, but want to improve my digital equipment chain.

Once I’ve upgraded my streaming equipment, why purchase a quality CD/SACD transport?

Is there a large enough subset of music that sounds better via optical media?



I think everyone should have a nice DAC and streamer. Great way to listen to an absurd amount of great music. If you do have a nice DAC then adding a Cambridge CD transport for $600-$700 is not a big deal. I do have some titles that are not streamed or not streaming on the services I use. Also, There are different recordings or presses if you like of the same album. I just ordered a used 20th anniversary edition of Pink Floyd DSOTM. I heard it is supposed to be good. Just another way to enjoy the music that might not be out there. Maybe your Cd/ Setup sounds different because of the player or the cables that are connected. I have a really nice DAC/ Streamer but that doesn’t let me play Tommy Who or Paul Simon in 5 channel surround off of the SACD player. Just another avenue to enjoy this great hobby. 

I purchased the Audiolab CDT 6000 also.

No regrets. Sounds great. Not going to start down the streaming hole at the moment. Lots of good music in house. CDs and vinyl. Less wear and tear on cartridge too.



Understanding that sometimes price may not be an issue, $4,000 seems like a lot of money.

I get these insane expenditures on analog gear because it’s the nature of the beast.

A $1,000 cable.  Hmmmm….

Others may be able to provide cogent arguments to the contrary, but I have a hard time seeing a commensurate increase in sound quality from a good DAC/streaming setup to a $5k CD setup.  

Seems like, as you noted, ripping your CDs and rockin’ the DAC/streaming setup would be totally fair.

but I have a hard time seeing a commensurate increase in sound quality from a good DAC/streaming setup to a $5k CD setup.  

@tylermunns I did too until I actually got my dedicated streamer up and running.  My streaming quality now far surpasses that of playing CDs.  Not even close.