FOR CEC Owners

Hi to every CEC owners. Interetsed to know if you mate the CEC transport with their converter and if not for which reason.
I have the feeling they are much stronger in CD transport than in DAC technology.
Correct ??
Tks for the comments
Platsolos, first try to be 100% sure that the DX 51 DAC is the same that goes into the TL51ZMKII that I have.
The shop guy said yes, but when looking at the price it seems not (a DX 51 is much more expensive of how it is valued inside the TL 51ZMKII)

Maybe they are making a special price package like sometimes happen and naturally they save on the enclosure cost.

If we can determine this I can be of help as I can compare it for you with other converters that I can listen in comparison.
I have owned an Audio Logic 34 (upgraded to 2400) DAC for about a year now. A few months ago I thought I would want to move to a one-unit player that could also play SACDs. I bought a Sony XA777 and was pretty disappointed in it as a redbook player. Mated to the AL DAC improved the sound greatly but even the tube dac couldn't take the harshness and "digitides" out of the Sony. I decided to forgo SACD and focus on the best possible redbook sound. I bought a used CEC TL-1 and find this to be a wonderful match with the AL DAC. Sounds almost analog and competes with SACD. Perhaps not quite as detailed but much more musical.

I would second the advice to mate CEC with an outboard tube dac. You can find used AL 34 for around $1200-1500 and AL 2400 for around $2000. Good luck!