You have got to be kidding me. TAS reviews are a joke, mainly because they never put their balls on the line and bother to compare a review sample to anything else. I reviewed for years, and almost without fail when I thought I had a review product nailed down I’d be completely humbled when plugging in something for comparison. Do you know how easy it is to write a review when you don’t have to bother with the accountability of having to make comparisons? Worst of all, 90% of the time I read a TAS review, in the end I still have no idea how the product actually sounds. It’s tough to prove Valin wrong precisely because he (and the rest of the TAS writers) refuse to make comparisons that would provide accountability and a better reference for accuracy. But they’d rather just avoid that. What an Absolute Joke.
and going on what you said there....and if a reviewer was to say anything negative about a piece of equipment they are reviewing, wouldnt that hurt the company that made it as well as the review company ?