Thanks for those suggestions.
What kind of sensitivity should I be targeting for this amp? What is the minimum? It’s class A - but only 30 watts.
Need suggestions on efficient book shelf speakers for a Pass Labs XA3.5
*sorry amp is XA30.5 -will not let me edit headline.
My current speakers are KEF 201/2 which have a low sensitivity of 85. Amp is only 30 watts class A. Sounds good but the volume is limited. Hoping more efficient speakers will provide greater volume? Looking for suggestions in the $2k -4k used or $3k- 8k new.
@puffbojie ha! I drive Wilsons Audio Sabrina with XA30.8. Your XA30.5 is 30w into 8ohms in pure Class A at lowest distortion rated by Pass Labs. It then switches to Class A/B and delivers around 130w/ch. You know it’s in Class A/B when the needle on a bias meter starts to move. What’s the rest of your set up - source, preamp, running balanced or single ended? How could the volume be too low? Define low volume - knob position or step number relative to max setting. |