Wasting money using Esoteric DV50s as Transport?

I have a fully modded TheaterMaster Classic signature, I love the sound of this DAC and need a front end both Video and CD .This seems like a good solution but does all that goodness everyone talks about get lost at the digital out?I have a DVDO VP50 so video weakness of the DV50s isnot so much of a problem but I don't want to spend extra money if the audio everyone loves is lost. I look forward to your collective wisdom.
Thanks for the prompt replies. Another question is does all the filtering this unit is renowned for happen before my DAC ?
If you are talking about the RDOT and FIR I believe you would miss them with the digital output but their is a slight possibility I'm wrong.

I am almost certain these are in the DAC portion, so I highly suspect they would do nothing to the digital output. I will try it on mine via the digital and see soon.