Single vs Bi-wire Speaker Cable

I'm going to purchase some AQ speaker cables, and am considering bi-wired AQ Robin Hood Zero vs full range William Tell Zero (with quality jumpers). The bi-wired RH is about $500 more expensive than the full range WT, but on a comparable basis, WT is the more expensive cable. Any thoughts on sound quality between the options I described above would be greatly appreciated.


I like to eliminate the biwire option from my speakers (although this precludes bi-amping which is a different question).  Then use one large gauge high quality cable.

I suspect most of the occasions where biwiring helped, the speaker cables were undersized.


I’m also in the bi-wiring is a downgrade camp. The key is to use a good jumper and not the usual low quality ones that come with most speakers (which many compare bi-wiring against hence thinking it’s better).

I started with a good pair of speaker cables and matching jumpers. (K-S Elation).  Then I swapped out the jumpers for another pair of Elation cables.  
Sounded better.  This is apples to apples, not comparing a good cable with matching jumpers to two lower quality cables.  Start with the best cables you can afford with matching jumpers for sure.  You can always try adding the second pair later.   And I do feel keeping with the same cable brand and model if possible.

In fifty years of trying tweeks, many have worked, but Bi-Wiring has not!
What speakers, preamp, amp (s) do you currently have? If you buy AQ speaker cables, see if you can get a couple pairs of jumpers made of the same wire and replace the gold plated jumpers that come with a lot of speakers.

All the best.


Unless your woofers and tweeters are physically separated, in different boxes/enclosures, one good wire with jumpers should do the trick. Happy listening!