Which Ethernet filter?

Hello all,

My new Innuos streamer system is coming along nicely, and I've been startled how my A-B comparison of USB cables affected the overall SQ  - I settled on the FTA Sinope.  I'm now looking at enhancing the ethernet feed to the Innuos.

Presently, I have the SotM ISO-CAT7 (limited Red edition with dCBL-CAT7u cable to DAC), and noticed a lift in detail once installed.

I'm very interested in the Network Acoustics ethernet options.  Has anyone compared either the Eno or Muon systems to the either the IS0-CAT6 or ISO-CAT7?

Many thanks,

Netgear Orbi Satellite  =>  AQ Carbon  =>  SotM ISO-CAT7  =>  SotM dCBL-CAT7u  =>  Innuos Zenith Mk3  =>   FTA Sinope USB   =>  Hegel H390


@audphile1 - I’m interested by your description of the sonic signature of optical, as I currently have a system which is a touch too warm, with overemphasised mid-range.

This is totally my fault as I selected the USB cable (FTA Sinope - warmish, enhanced midrange) when I had some ATC SCM19s on loan from the dealer. When my SCM40s finally arrived I realised I had underestimated the warmth they impart on the sound compared to the dry 19s. However, I plan to give the 40s and Sinope a thorough burn in, and then address the USB issue first. I might ask NA nicely if I can try again their Muon USB - which I had previously rejected as being too aggressive, detailed and forward.

I think next I will try a budget optical setup (links below) to determine if the sonic characteristics work well. And if they are then gradually upgrade the components. And if not, then have a chat with NA regarding their Muon and Eno systems.

I would add that I’m finding to very tricky getting the sonic signature correct. It feels like such a fine line between too bright and too warm.








@lollipopguild give it a shot with amazon. Return it if it didn’t produce the results you’re expecting. Get ready for additional wire mess though…hehehe 

@lalitk the M3 network player is a pure renderer. It has no UI. So it kind of marries you to Roon. Another option if Roon is not at play is Mconnect (not a fan, I use Roon). 

I have compared my 
Lumin U1 Mini to the Ethernet wired Bricasti M3 and I didn’t hear anything from Lumin that the Bricasti player isn’t already doing. In addition, the M3 was slightly smoother without any loss in resolution.
Lumin was connected to the Bricasti DAC via Audience AU24SE+ USB cable.

So, over a week into Bricasti at this point and I’m loving it! Running it off the EERO-> Network Acoustics Eno streaming system. Lumin’s boxed up, heading to a new home soon. I’m hanging onto the Audience USB cable for now…it’s too good to let go and might come in handy you never know….