OK...here's another tweak that really works

I recently recabled my reference 2 channel system. The upgrade in sound broke new ground in what I thought was possible with existing components. I had not, however, heard of the Matthew Bond Audio Cascade Noise Burn-In Disc - V. 2.0 until it was referenced in one of the fairly recent Forum Posts.  More out of curiosity and the fact that I have had some very positive results with other assorted/sundry tweaks, I decided to give it a try. I have played the disc only a couple of times and  am amazed at hearing a very real improvement in all aspects of the system and especially the glare that I really didn't know existed.

Anyway, I would enjoy hearing from any of you that has had some exposure to this or other tweaks of this kind. 




Well played, brauser.

My most memorable "tweaks" are the one's I approached with a high degree of skepticism.  Especially those that pegged the needle on my BS meter.  Then, "something" happened.  And, I think to myself: "I really wish I'd put my Depends on before I started this session."  The Ayre disc comes to mind as an example.

Thanks for sharing, and "volunteering" to take the abuse you're certain to take here with your post.

I noticed a difference after playing the Ayre Glide Tone, but I noticed the same difference in my system later after playing a rock song at a very high volume.

Thanks for sharing, and "volunteering" to take the abuse you're certain to take here with your post.

This is very sad affair. Putting up with the abuse from the same typical names (like the jason bourne dude, the resident hater), over and over. We should not be scared to post anything here. I don't get it


Does jasonbourne52 ever have a single useful thing to say, or is his sole function to ridicule those who try to use this forum for its intended purposes?

Clear political correctness off this forum.

@thyname     Jason is always polite in his criticisms.  You seem to be saying that everyone can post on here, except him.   Bring back free speech.

I would hate this to become a forum where no-one can disagree with the overweening prats..  If I wanted that I would go to university and pull down statues to greater men than the prats.