Is blasphemous Music ok?



Terrific musicianship and a lot of fun. Robert Plante thinks they're fantastic.

No idea how that 'e' ended up on the end of Plant...

Music taking on religion is much more easily tolerated than music taking on other topics, in my experience.

Salman says that religion doesn’t like to be challenged.

Even God himself found a woman that caught his eye a couple thousand years back.

If Wheeler Walker is writing about what he heard was told to him, then who am I to question the voices in the his ears?

@thecarpathian , time better spent freezing it and cooling your fav adult bev...

..may as well have a double and chase a familiar demon ;)

My surname seemed to be unpronounceable for the bulk of my existence, "Jerry Hu....Hey..."

I'm here, Jerry is just fine...😏  Czech names are much in the same jaw wrench as Ukrainian I'm happy with my given one.  Anything but late for a toke or three....*G*  Happy the actress Selma came along, but no relation.  She'd merely get me in some sort of trouble....only one letter out, but pronounces the same.

Mothers' maiden name was only 4 letters, and worse.  Most didn't even try....

3 consonant's followed by one vowel, you Have to know the pronunciation idiom or fail follows...

(Another potential reason the nuns didn't like me; they hate being corrected about Anything.....)

Personally, I like the concept of a quantum universe.  Mere observation effects it, paying none lets it run on it's merry way doing whatever confuses later study, capable of weird stuff that ranges from 'duh' to 'Huh?" and made us possible.

Albert said god doesn't play dice with the universe, to which I'll append "Wanna bet on that?"

To wit: Black holes apparently are at the center of galaxies...really big ones.
Black holes can apparently 'dissipate' and explode (constipation?).

Wouldn't that screw up a wouldn't know it until who knows when, but....perhaps it's already happened 'out there' but it take time like almost anything else around here....

Waiting for Godot, over and over....

My surname seemed to be unpronounceable for the bulk of my existence, "Jerry Hu....Hey..."

I'm here, Jerry is just fine...😏  Czech names are much in the same jaw wrench as Ukrainian I'm happy with my given one.  Anything but late for a toke or three....*G*  Happy the actress Selma came along, but no relation.  She'd merely get me in some sort of trouble....only one letter out, but pronounces the same.

In Australia, I just call people of Czech decent (with unpronounceable names) using the term, “Czech Mate.” 😇