The new Raidho’s vs the new Borressen’s ?

Have you heard the new Raidho’s, TD4.8’s or TD4.2’s?  Reviews are over the moon !  Wondering how they compare to the new Borressen’s Z5’s or 05’s which are also receiving accolades.

I’ve used Magnepan 20.7’s for ten years now and they are great but not necessarily the best “all around” speakers.  My room is very large and the Maggie’s can’t quite fill the space completely.   I’m not unhappy with the Maggie’s but have been lusting for a top-notch dynamic box speaker for many years.  I like a BIG sound with lots of space.  
If you own the big Raidho’s or Borressen’s I’d like to hear you thoughts.  If you have heard these speakers give me your thoughts.  Thanks.
I've only heard the Borresen 05 and that was in a small room at a show. Still great speakers that I would love to hear more.

They also look fantastic in real life. If they and Raidho sounds equally good I would go for Borresen just for the looks.
Would the sealed ribbon tweeter get wear out, sagged overtime? Is it worthwhile to replace it or to buy a new pair of speakers instead?

I've listened to both those speakers then they're definitely not worth 75 85 to 150,000, the monitor audio platinum 500 ll are just as good or better and they're only 32,000 US, Borresson and Raidho speakers are so expensive because Denmark has one of the highest costs of living in the world, definitely not worth the money.


chorus I don't know what kind of magnet you're talking about they use neodymium magnets most of the better speaker manufacturers have been using those for years.

Definitely not worth the money in one man's opinion. Others obviously disagree.

There is an iron-free motor system for drivers.