Cambridge Audio 840C

I'm looking for a near-reference audio-only balanced CD Player. I briefly listened to the 840C in a store demo. and it sounded very good, but unfortunately I couldn't compare it to anything. Has anyone had a chance to compare the 840C to a good balanced CD Player such as the Esoteric SA-60 or SA-10, Ayre C-5xe or CX-7 or Krell SACD Standard?
Well, it seems Datonlanny's other thread has gone missing again.

I just received an 840c... too early to tell how well it'll stack up against my Wadia, but one thing I've noticed is that the transport mechanism is not very smooth... there's a slight scraping sound when it opens/closes and a bit of a clunk sound. I seem to recall a thead that mentioned this but now can't find it. I suspect it was in mysteriously disappearing thread.

If you've got an 840c, can you comment on the drawer mechanism?
My transport tray is very smooth as well.
I cannot figure out why my other thread was deleted.
I do know that I had nothing to do with it.
So how does the 840C compare to the Wadia mentioned a few posts above?

Also, how does it compare to the Naim C5i and the Rega Apollo?

I've got an 840C. I've actually posted about it on the missing thread, and this thread. Don't know why my posts have not shown up, or why the threads about the 840c go missing? Some other company trying to squelch the enthusiasm for this player?
Anyway, my drawer mechanism works well. I'm still burning in, so I haven't given myself the time for a critical listen, but the first impressions have been favorable...
wondering if this will post???