Even in your existing room the TreoCTs Mimas pairing
will allow you to experience how great an amp the Aesthetix is
that you already own..
Is this a sideways move?
Hi everyone
I have an Aesthetix Mimas integrated that I enjoy, and my source is a Holo Spring 3 KTE DAC/preamp. Maybe I have upgraditus, but I'm thinking of using the Holo Spring as my preamp, and selling the Mimas for a good power amp. I'm thinking Coda S5.5, Coda No. 8, Aesthetix Atlas, Pass Labs XA30.8, Pass Labs X150.8, Modwright KWA150se. My budget is up to $10,000. I am driving Harbeth 30.2 XD speakers in a 15' x 15' room. Am I upgrading or is this just a sideways move? Are there others I need to consider?
Thank you in advance!