@theaudiomaniac you are saying you don’t have any more knowledge on the topic and therefore no one else does either. Good argument. like I have stated before, I know more about the topic that anyone on this forum, including yourself, until proven that it is not so.
one thing you certainly did not was to dispute any absolutes, in fact you, yourself said that the forum is anti Audioscience…
What you don’t call a reliability wrapper is up to you, UDP specifically states it leaves reliability to the higher level protocols. VoIP measures it for quality, gaming and gamers are obsessed with their “ping” there are controls. Neither requires that every packet is received, but have reliability safeguards to ensure a minimum level of performance.
And you are wrong when you say it is a wrapper around UDP, it is on top of UDP. Also wrong when you say the purpose of a reliability wrapper is to manipulate the data, it is literally the opposite, to ensure data arrives intact. How much data? well that is up to each individual application accepted performance level.
and finally, it is just flat out a lie that Roon did not support Tidal/Quboz before they switched to TCP. They most certainly did, and it is easily verifiable too. Which means they had to have a reliability wrapper on top of UDP to ensure DRM, proving you wrong again.
in summary @theaudiomaniac , yes, you do have limited knowledge, and can’t even bother to do research. We can agree there.