You’ve been given a number of good suggestions and a number of different directions so you most likely have a lot of thinking and research ahead before you make a decision. When you do narrow down some of the components you are interested in and are looking to the second hand market take a look at You will pay somewhat more than buying from an individual but they offer a two week trial period and if you are not satisfied you can return and pay only the round trip freight.
A rookie with 10K, seeking advise
I'm new to the HiFi world. I listen to a lot of female vocal and classical music. I like both digital and vinyl. I am using a pair of Wharfedale Linton heritage and PS Audio Stellar Strata.
I know this is too broad a question, but with 10K budget, where can I wisely spend my money? I don't mind tubes and I don't mind used either.
Any advise is greatly appreciated!
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- 103 posts total
- 103 posts total