Bowers and Wilkins, 801 D4

Hi all, i'm looking to get some new speakers, maybe Wilson audio sasha DAW, or B&W 801 D4, my amp is the Audionet Humboldt integrated , 

Specs & Pricing

Output power: 320Wpc into 8 ohms, 460Wpc into 4 ohms
Frequency response: DC–700kHz -3dB
THD+N: <-100dB at 1kHz
SNR: >120dB (A-weighted)
Channel separation: >140dB, 20-20kHz
Dimensions: 450 x 320 x 505mm
Weight: 61kg
Price: $55,000, i have mk 1  sasha's at the moment, sounds v-good, would my amp have enough grunt , for the B&W,s, they do have two 10" base drivers, on paper they are easier to drive, but as we know in real life, not always the case , i am in England, so Wilsons are £40,000, B&W £32,500, a big difference,  thanks 


Personally I like the more natural sound of the Wilsons, their cabinets are solid. Audition the two pair of speakers, and let your ears decide. Buy what sounds better to you!

I have the new Alexx V, great speaker.

Good Luck!


I was very impressed with the Rockport’s at a local dealer.  Just wish I were rich and I could get these past the gate keeper.  Wonder how many others have this problem.  I would feel selfish spending so much money on myself,

For exactly the price of the B&W, you could get a Sonus Faber II Cremonese.  Which is no contest.

When my first wife died, I needed a present so I got B&W 802 (I think).   They might have been wonderful when I auditioned them, but they got very "annoying" in less than a month with my Vandersteens and have remained.