What Power Cords for Rel S510 Subs?

I’m considering a pair of Rel S510s to go with my Diablo 300 and B&W 802 D2’s. I’ve invested quite a bit in cabling: Audioquest Dragon for my amp, Hurricanes for my source equipment, and Nordost Valhalla 2 for my speaker wire. I can clearly hear the difference between a Hurricane and a Dragon cord when powering my amp. The Dragon puts space and air around vocals and instruments with front to back depth.

There is no way I can afford anything better than two 3m Hurricanes for the Rel S510’s but my question is, how much do power cords matter for subs? Sadly for my wallet, I’ve found that higher grade cords do make a considerable difference for all my other components, verified through blind tests. Not as much as speaker cables, but still a big difference.

I also have a Innuos network isolation switch and also an Innuos USB reclocker, to support my Innuos Zenith Mk 3 streamer.

Does power cord quality matter less with subs than with everything else?

For the record I’ve seen other threads on this subject, with what seems to be consensus that power cords don’t matter with subs, but I was hoping others who, like me, appreciate the difference a top tier power cord can make, can comment on whether there truly is no benefit to using one when it comes to subs. Has anyone compared a Hurricane grade (or better) cord with a stock cord, connected to a high end sub?



@ronboco , I tested many different speaker cables and power cords, mid to top end, from Audioquest, Shunyata, Transparent, and Nordost.  Nothing came close to the Nordost Valhalla 2’s for the speaker cables.  Didn’t like the Nordost power cords, but cords from other brands were all good, with varying presentation styles.

@1971gto455ho lol, glad you are having fun…


My dear friend are you jealous or just ill-informed ? I shall help you, my GTO is one of 79 made it is mechanically modified all original parts retained. It is a convertible with no roll cage so quarter-mile time is a guess. I do enjoy 700+HP and it drives with modern comfort. Don’t know where you are financially you may or may not be able to afford it should I decide to sell it. Let’s stay friends and stick to the Audio perhaps there would be conversation worth listening to. I do have other more conventional transportation High speed etc. should you be interested . Thank you for your continued interest.



@1971gto455ho  lol remember  who started the 

Derogatory  comments if you cannot  stand the heat stay out of the kitchen buddy. I might be impressed  if you have an lm or a swb. 



Spend some money on speaker cables, interconnects, amp power cables and if you really want to push it, upgrade the rca/XLR cable for the subwoofer. But, spending on the power cable for a subwoofer is just stupid. You realize that you are talking about a bass driver with crossover set to ~50 hz and below in most cases right?