I wish I had a better answer for you. I bought 2 Nodes and the Vault2 about 5 years ago with the idea of doing a multi room setup. The Vault and one of the Nodes died. One of the Nodes is still working in a secondary system where it doesn't get much use. My experience with BS CS was essentially the same as yours. I tried everything, different power sources, sacrificing goats and chickens, and a complaint to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Everything was off warranty (in the Node2 case, by less than a week) and long story short I was SOL.
Eventually I ponied up for new streamers. Essentially these things are computers that are gussied up to look like audio components. I have had laptops purchased at this price point (Dell) that lasted about the same duration. I read a review for a NAD streaming amp that essentially sounds like it has the Node crammed in it and woe to anyone who goes that route. What bothers me is that with the Bluesound on the market now for several years, and these stories of unreliability being ubiquitous, you never see this mentioned in a product review