cartridge retipping




What about coils repair? As far as I know only Northwest Analogue in UK

does coils but very expensive. I doscovered one in Poland. He fixed my

Kiseki Agaat. The address is:


Not sure if they have a lot of time for outside repairs, but Aidas Cartridges Lithuania does coil repairs to their own carts ( just had one done ). I can ask them on a case by case basis. Very fair pricing.


Dear @nandric and friends: Joseph Long that I linked does the coil rewiring too. He post in Agon time to time and is moniker is:




Btw, I think he has not only competitive prices and quality but even lower that all the other re-tippers shared in this thread.

Thank’s nandric.



My Kiseki was refused by Expert stylus and even my friend Axel Schurholz

refused to do coils. He bought second hand carts for the coils.  So I was very

glad with Tomasz . I hope Lithuania will  also do the coils so we will have

more possibilities. 


The saying is ''seen is believing''. Well look at coils as made by Jan

Allaerts cartridge. He does his own coils with very thin gold wire.

If I was forced to do such work I would prefer to kill myself. No wonder

that many rettiper hate to even think about. So Northwest ask 700 GBP

for coils with ''thiker wire'' because his ''lathe'' can't manage ''thin kind''.

By German EMT they asked 1200 euro's for new coils for Shiraz an

modify TSD 15.

One can get the ''whole TSD 15 for this kind of money. So for all who are

not related to Rockefelers or Russian oliegarch interesting info.