I am also looking for streamer to hook up to my Esoteric K-03XD dac. I bet usb is the best connection than digital Coaxial and Optical. Am I correct?
I am looking at " LUMIN U2 Mini Digital Transport/Streamer cost abt US$2000" and the "Ifi Zen Stream with its iPower Elite cost abt US$700"
Both are great products. Ifi Zen with its iPower Elite / other LPS will give a better sounding streamer than without. I dont know how it compares to the amazing Lumin U2 which is a new product from Lumin replac the U1.
I read several reports of users having problems using the Ifi Zen streamer. The properietory softwares is unstable.
Any read or encounter such?
Basically I wld want this streamer to connect to my K-03XD dac to stream Tidal and also from my NAS.
Any input on those 2 is greatly appreciated.
Ted … would a powered USB hub connected to a linear power supply address the USB noise issue?
It will help compared to the typical noisy USB supplies in computers and the wall wart USB hub supplies. You only want the DS on the USB hub with a linear supply and you want to use a shorter USB cable there (6’ or whatever, not 15’.)