Severe short term audio distortion when watching Netflix

Hi all , I can't find a reason for this anywhere - so posting as widely as possible

My Setup

New Win 10 PC with Matrix Element H USB card - Sablon 2020 cable to May KTE DAC - handmade Silver XLR's to Hegel H390 to Dynaudio Heritage Specials

For the last 12 nights, while watching Netflix or Youtube - the audio is swamped by severe high pitched distortion for 3-4 seconds , then all returns to normal

This only happens once per night - between 7 -10PM. Only once, never during the day and only for 3-4 seconds - all was good for more than the last 12 months with this current setup

I have contacted my internet provider - all is good from their end - have checked with a speed test as soon as distortion starts and speed is normal

I have replaced the Ethernet cable

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the Holo Audio driver for my MAY KTE DAC - on a suggestion from Microsoft Support

I have rebooted  PC several times and switched off May DAC and unplugged power cord for 30 seconds

Any ideas or suggestions appreciated




Well as far out as this seems it could be the datalink to satellites being switched, most everything bounces off satellites these days.

At any rate, I'd bet it is something completely external to your system.

Do you live near any heavy industry?



Check with NASA for sunspot activity...not joking.

My Samsung TV with cable and ethernet feed was going all digital artifacts once a

night for a while.  I bitched to the cable company and they knew about it and also knew there was nothing they could do because it was sunspot activity messing with the satellite link.



I do not think the issue originates your power company. I think @carlsbad's suggestion to test a Roku in your system is a good idea - it will help narrow down the source of the problem. Process of elimination.

I plan to call my power co. tomorrow to see if they can provide any info re: switching feeds etc - I live in a suburban area , just a few shops and petrol stations , no industry

Can’t be sunspots because it’s winter here in Australia... 😀

Thanks to all for the flood of suggestions - I’m sure there is a solution somewhere


+1 Roku.  Choose the ethernet direct-connection option instead of wi-fi connection.