Great post, @ricevs - many great points there, and you reminded me of a few more things I've been wanting to try.
Regarding what you called a "zippy" sound:
I'll add to that a pronounced sound of "air" and other micro details. It is impressive, and even seductive, that a system can reproduce and present that "plankton" (for lack of a better word) in a recording - and good systems can do this without it sounding harsh or fatiguing. It's very cool, and my system has done that. But in my opinion, it is not natural if you compare to hearing a live performance.
On my own journey, with each successful change to lower noise in my system - that "zip" and air and pronounced plankton is not as noticeable. It's there, but not a main player anymore - just supporting the artists and instruments.
My experience has been that lowering/removing noise has increased realism which creates more frequent emotional responses to the music - for me. Natural, organic realism is what I respond to most. And being able to have that emotional response on demand is my goal.
Happy listening to all.