Best Stereo Upgrade Value

A question for you audiophiles...

What "upgrade/change" has singularly given you the biggest (not incremental) improvement to your stereo system?  Upgraded amp, pre-amp, tubes, room correction unit, subs, connectors, cables, speakers, streamer, stylus, speaker placement, acoustic panels, etc.?


I really tried my best to get components which were "balanced" with one too much better or worse than the other. This from price, reading a zillion posts and reviews. 

I’m not sure how much of a “value” it was but the one thing I got wrong was my cart (relative to the rest of my system). Going from a Dynavector 20x2 to a VDH Crimson (got it used here so it really was a great value) put the biggest smile on my face. I improved the sound by at least 40% - maybe more.

Just moved in so once I receive my rug and curtains I'm going to measure my room for the first time and treat it as much as I can (that's the short version).

I agree with carlsbad that an average DAC could spoil all the magic. However, intermediate speakers could ruin it.

So many wow moments. Every component, interconnect and room treatment made a difference and some not so subtle.  My biggest surprise was how much clean power matters.  I took a big (for me) financial gamble and went with the advice of my salesperson.  My power conditioner and  power cables cost more than all my components, with the exception of my speakers..but I still have three more power cables to purchase.  To my absolute surprise, this was a major upgrade.  This weeks upgrade to the Holo May DAC DTE was a huge upgrade from my McIntosh, but part of that was the good power