B&W 705 Signature Feedback ?

Looking for some feedback from any 705 Sig owners out there. From your experience with these speakers, are they more suitable for smaller listening areas  In this case, 10 x 12.5 room or approx 125sq ft with 8.5ft celing height. Would for example the 805 D4 be overkill in this outlined scenario?. There is of course quite a saving to be made with the 705 Sig over the 805 D4. Normal operating levels for the speakers and amp , which likely will be a Rotel SA 6000, would be in the low to moderate range. Nothing ever above 4 - 4.5 on a scale of 10. So as you can see it is sound quality over volume levels being the most important factor of all. 

Last of all, has anyone any direct experience with the B&W and Rotel amp pairing & how does Rotel handle the well known brightness tendency of the speakers. In the case of the 705 Sig much has improved in that regard , so choosing an amp to continue that trend is vitally important. 


I got to hear the 805 D3 vs. the Pulsar in my system and the Pulsar just did everything better. The 805s did a great job with detail and transparency and in producing very good sound, but the Pulsar equaled it in detail/transparency and far surpassed it in 3D imaging/soundstage, tonality, dynamics, disappearing act, bass depth and definition, and producing the experience of listening to a musical performance as opposed to just very good sound. That’s the best I can describe it FWIW. As far as Pulsars showing up on the used market, I wouldn’t take that too seriously as many sell them to move up to Perspectives or to go in a completely different direction. I don’t think I’ve ever read a negative word about Pulsars, which I can’t say about many speakers, and I think that says a lot more than the used market. Anyway, just some actual personal experience in case it might be helpful.  And I agree with staying away from Rotel. Both of these speakers deserve quality more along the lines of Ayre, Hegel, Parasound, Pass, Luxman, etc. to get the most out of them.

Marten Duke 2 is very revealing and requires proper amp matching. I’m not sure if the Rotel will match well. If there’s brightness or glare in the treble with the amp, the speaker will reveal it. Other speakers may not reveal the character and this may be useful for the owner as the undesirable aspects are all swept under the carpet.

The Pulsar 2 in particular is so well crafted with excellent build quality. SQ is so mellow and composed & can handle most any genre of source material without causing a fuss.

Marten Duke 2 has a glorious midrange and correctly needs proper amp selection to attain an integrated full range sound. From my listening tests, Luxman and Macintosh seem to pair well with the Duke 2. 

Already striking the Rotel amp combo with most any choice of speaker going forward. As overall SQ and not to mention build quality ( take a look at those side panels , enough said ) are quite mediocre. 

Would it be too far off the mark to suggest (after some testing and comparisons) the Usher Dancer Mini X is in ways a Taiwanese take on the venerable Joseph Audio Pulsar bookshelf speakers?. Not just the exterior design but sound signature has some definite similarities.

No, because it doesn’t employ JA’s Infinite Slope patented crossover that is so instrumental to their sound. That said, Usher pretty much matches JA speakers IME (albeit via different means) and offers extremely high value, look great, and they even manufacture their own drivers! JA, Usher, Vandy, Verity, and ProAc are among my favorite reasonably-priced speakers as they are all excellent and share similar performance strengths. Personally I’d be thrilled with any of them, and I don’t think you could possibly go wrong with the Mini X especially if you get the DMD tweeter.  Just my $0.02 FWIW.