What's going on with the used audio gear market?

OK, maybe I am unrealistic but I've bought and sold audio gear for the past 25 years off and on for my personal use  as I change out or upgrade.  It seems that a reasonable expectation is around 50% of MSRP or somewhere close. That has been what I've always sold for and bought for. Now I see stuff priced at 80-90% of MSRP. I am talking about things that are not really statement products and can be a few years old and they want 80%.  I just don't get it, this stuff for the most part depreciates rather quickly due to the advancement of technology. Is this a hold over from the Covid Inflation effect on supply and demand? I guess that supply and demand will eventually sort it out. 



Did you step on my toes? No.

Your concept of "greed" includes someone setting a price for used gear that is higher than what others want to pay.

All I’m saying is calling this kind of action "greed" stretches the word beyond useful limits.

Surprised this makes no sense to you. Seems plain as day.

Let’s leave it there.

Some humorous insight into our Audiogon community is on full display. Here are a few facts:

  • The recent supply chain hiccups created shortages, real and imagined.
  • Tube supply disruptions triggered price and availability spikes.
  • The average joe began to hoard things (toilet paper and tubes LOL).
  • People who could willingly paid higher prices for both new and used items in order to receive them in a timeframe that met their goals.

No greed there…just normal human behavior to an economic situation. Greed can’t happen for a non-essential item, only opportunism, which is what it is.


Historically, over decades in our hobby, summer and late summer has always been slow for sales as people are typically more active outdoors and with other normal pastimes like hiking, biking, golf and ballgames of all kinds. In addition, for the first time since pre-pandemic, there was a real vacation season and a real back to school window where audio rightly took a backseat.


Things typically pick up in the fall/holiday season (for certain gear) and then late winter/early spring there always seems to be a bump I guess due to some who purchase utilizing tax refunds.


I read the same old arguments here each year: our hobby is dying, prices are too high, these high prices charged in the high end will end the hobby, Mofi hurt my feelings, tubes suck, tubes rule, digital sucks, analog sucks, young people don’t get it, I miss the good old days when Ike was prez, foreign made gear is evil, the economy is in the tank, rap isn’t music, and on and on….maybe if the gear you are trying to sell isnt selling…maybe it isnt desirable at the price you are asking. Since when is that a new thing? Maybe if something is listed for sale at a price you think is too high and greedy and it still sells…maybe you are the one who is incorrectly evaluating the pricing landscape.


I get it, you want what you want for the amount you want. I think there is an old song from the ditant past that goes something like “You cant always get what you want”.


@ghasley Good post and it also made me laugh! This summer is also slower than past summers based on my selling experience which is vast 🤓. Confidence level in the economy, stock market losses and slowing housing market all impacting buyer behavior.  


"I miss the good old days when Ike was prez" :-)

Gotta love a guy willing to call out the military-industrial complex. I miss that.