New Project RS2T transport

I have had one already and sent it back, did not work at all upon receipt. Dealing with the Music Room though is a pleasure. Will always do business with them. Had unit replaced with a new one, just arrived Yesterday, Sunday afternoon 7-25-22. Hooked it up and SAID WOW!!! I have a Meitner MA-1 DAC and the synergy is Fabulous. Right out of the box it sounded, GREAT. So very OPEN. I have been blessed when upgrading several pieces to be totally surprised by the improvements. VERY Audible!

I am somewhat concerned though as there have been a great deal of posts about quality control issues. (see first sentence)  As I said unit sounds GREAT, very impressed. HOWEVER, if anyone can comment that owns one, I noticed when placing the little magnetic puck on the disc that it just sits atop the center spindle and does not contact disc. The magnetic puck has a female center on the underside that goes over a very small  male metal protrusion. (SPINDLE)   I would think that it should go over that spindle totally and meet the disc firmly. (no space between disc and puck??? When I place puck on top of CD, It appears that the machining on the underside of the hole should be a MM wider so it doesn't sit atop the spindle and drops down totally on the disc. Hope this makes sense. Thanks Robert TN    Ps would like to thank Charles1 DAD  for encouraging me to stick with transport. It is that GOOD!!!   Just wondering if they all are designed to do what I am experiencing?


Very disappointing that the REP: from Project didn't respond further, it would have meant a great deal to me. Listened yesterday for a hour and a half. Thought it sounded better than before, but, wrote it off to the Bourbon. Turns out as Charles said,  improves with time, even with the wall wart.  Can't imagine with the LPS and a upgraded power cable.

Just curious why Charles 1 DAD and Lpretiring , both decided on the Same LPS for the Project??? Just nosy I guess. Haven't really started looking yet. But, what better recommendation than for actual ownership!!!!  I'm sure I could look up the phone number, but if handy would appreciate.  Lpreting , just curious as to your time frame of ordering and receipt. Thanks very much. Robert

Charles 1DAD, I hope this is ok to ask? Just wondering what speakers your listening to?  Thanks, I think!  Robert


If you click my avatar you will be lead to my virtual audio system page (Titled SET Bliss) My entire system and some pictures are posted there. With regard to the choice of LPS. A very trusted long term Audiogon member owns the RS2T. He has both the LTA (Linear Tube Audio) LPS and the Fidelizer Nikola II LPS. He told me that both are “really “ good but said the Nikola II is even better sounding with the RS2T in his system.

He and I have compared notes on same audio equipment and always seem to reach the same conclusion. I guess our ears are just very much alike. So long story short, his recommendation and preference for the Fidelizer Nikola II LPS was good enough for me. As always with High End audio, YMMV.





The reason Charles and I chose the  same LPS is simply the fact I have a lot of respect for Charles 1 Dad's knowledge and audiophile connections for evaluation purposes. In other words I've ridden his coattails!

I ordered the LPS on July 6th. As mentioned in an earlier post it is taking a little longer than expected.

Hoping for shipping information this week.




Thanks for your kind words and vote of confidence.😊 It just is not possible to hear/audition every single component you are interested in prior to a purchase. Thank goodness for a forum like this where one can rely on experienced and trusted word of mouth recommendations. I hope that your Nikola II LPS arrives soon.
