Power cord for Bricasti M3

Any suggestions from Bricasti users for a nice power cord to compliment the Bricasti M3.  Price range circa 1000 dollars.



Pretty sure the filters are just for PCM  conversion as the manual states


When selecting NDSD DSD setting, the DSD post noise filtering is done in the analog domain so there are no DSD filter settings. An artifact of DSD processing is the buildup of ultrasonic noise and with DSD 64; this noise starts at 24 kHz and rises to peak level at -50 dB at 50k and beyond. In the M3 set to NDSD DSD this filter is implemented with a simple low order low pass analog filter for the very best sonic performance

Sorry. I play everything NDSD DSD.  So I guess it is upconverting flac and wav files. 
with no remote I am not getting up to change setting for different file types.  NDSD DSD just seems to work

I've tried a few different ac cords on my M3 and have settled on an Audiomica Callisto Ultra over  PAD or Cardas. Very musical, clean and natural sounding.