New Oppo DV-980H

I have just ordered the new Oppo DV-980H for budget two-channel music playback. It will replace my excellent DV-970HD I hope (as long as it sounds better)!

I will write a report after it has burnt in.

Anyone else using one yet? Got any set-up suggestions for stereo playback?
Cnet said "This may be the last DVD player we can recommend
meaning now with DVD HD (and possibly to follow Blu Ray coming down in price.Dan didn't we see this movie?).But anybody know if there going to get into the DVD-HD.Saw that 15000 contrast ratio Samsung LCD and it just floored me.So was wondering about Oppo getting into new formats.Anybody know?
Adamj, you get your 980H yet? I have one coming in tomorrow that I plan to use as a gap filler in a 2nd system until I decide on a new source.

It will go with a pair of Zu Druids and Onix SP-3 MKII integrated. Wiring is Pure AV silver speaker cables and Chord Silver Siren IC.

Mabye it will do such a good job that it will be all I need. ;) Probably not, but I can always find a place for a $169 universal.

BTW, I use Klipsch Cornwall III's in my main sytem. Something about the Klipsch sound that really floats my boat.
Hi Jack,

Yes! It is here, burnt in and performing wondefully! The overall performance is a massive improvement on the 970HD. There is more warmth across the frequency spectrum and the bass is much more solid and goes deeper than before. The thin sound of the 970HD is replaced with a sound much like that from the excellent Eastsound E5 Signature ($900ish).

What I would also add is that the package as a whole is much better thought out and finished too. I think there is a better synergy with my other equipment (Klipsch/modded Trends Audio) than I have had with any other CDP I have tried so far in this set-up... so if you use gear like mine then this is a safe bet!

Right, back to work for me. More thoughts soon.
I hooked one up for someone the other day, worked great, picture was very even passed the SACD/DVD Audio through HDMI to the Onkyo receiver without a hitch.

I just purchased the 840, hooked it up to my B&K avr202 and parasound hca-1500a amp and vandersteen 3a speakers... the cd player sounded okay- it was better then my previous player (a temporary sony es piece) but not as good as my rega apollo. i was sorta happy, loved the detail, not so happy w/ the bass. i switched rca's to kimber hero's, got a bit better... and then noticed the volume control on the oppo remote.

i went direct from the oppo to the paraound amp, and i was floored. now i dont have the worst pre-amp in this system, b&k is an alright brand, but my god was that ever the weakest link. I am going to move the oppo and parasound and vandersteens to a spare bedroom today and have that be a contained system... it sounds too good to go back, cant go back. i am thrilled with this player and the fact that you can run it w/out another preamp and have this sound quality come through.