Recommendation for low to normal level listening a 13.5' x 21' x 8' room

Appreciate your advice on speaker selection and what I should spend proportionate to the rest of my system.  Recently retired and moved to Atlanta, I am restructuring my system, going from 2 systems to 1. Dedicated listening room measures 13.5' x 21' x 8', is carpeted and will have diffusers and absorptive panels.  I listen mainly to jazz. I would like to make this speaker purchase my last.

I've owned Bohlender Graebener and currently own Eminent Technology LFT8B hybrid planar speakers, also own Talon Raven C.  I like the sound of the Talons and the openness of the ETs.  However the ETs aren't as refined a sound as I'd like (the Talons are more so).  Neither speaker is particularly alive at lower volume levels, and more engaging lower level listening is one of my goals.  I like a natural sound that is non-fatiguing.  While imaging is nice to have, it is less critical to me than the overall sound.  I want openness and as I age, the top end needs to be present and not rolled off but not over emphasized.  I also like enough base response that the sound is balanced.  Finally, I want a enough of a dynamic sound to accurately portray the music as it has been recorded.


The rest of my system includes:

Chapter Audio Chapter 2 amp

Cary SA_200.2 Moon version amp (with volume control)

SAS Audio hybrid tubed line stage preamp

Classe CT-SSP processor

Eastern Minimax phono stage

Musical Fidelity A5 CD

Metronome tubed CD player

A number of mid-fi turntables including Technics SP15, Yamaha PX2, Lenco 75.  I also have a very cool  massive 16" transcription turntable from the old CBS radio station in Chicago that is a future project.  Cartridges are on the low end (Denon103 and Hana) and I plan to upgrade.

Mosscade Saturn 12 subwoofer

I intend to sell off what I won't keep to help fund my purchase.  My budget is $5K - $10K and I prefer pre-owned to get the biggest bang for my buck.  I have my eye on a pair of pre-owned SoundLab Majestic 845, but I have never heard an electrrostat and there doesn't seem to be a dealer within a reasonable drive of me. Also I'm not sure if my room would be too small to optimize the 845s and I will do most of my listening within 8' -12' of the speakers. I also am considering Maggies and I will be auditioning an Acoustat 2+2 locally.  

I recently listened to Klipsch Forte 2s and Belles.  I liked the Forte's base and the midrange of the Belles.  I did not care for the top end of either as it seemed recessed and lacking air.

My electronics (except maybe the Chapter 2 amp) aren't the highest caliber so I'm open to any suggestion to maximize my sound.  I don't have unlimited funds to churn thru equipment until I find what I like and I am frustrated with the lack of opportunity to audition the equipment I've researched that seems to be what I'd like.  So, your input will mean a lot to me.  Thanks in advance.




Sonus Faber, either stand mount or floorstanding, the best you can afford, new or second hand if you don't want to stick with ESL or Planar.

@lorenc1 How much room can you afford to give between your speakers and the wall? If 5’ or more, your thought on Magnepan is not a bad one. If less, consider Scansonic MB-5B. They have the tonal balance and openness of a Raidho (both were mostly designed by Michael Borresen) and cost significantly less. The challenge with these speakers is that they require excellent electronics, and as you pointed out, your amps are not of the highest caliber. If I were you I would sell in or trade both of your amps for something that can meet the current delivery needs of both speakers. Both Maggie and Scansonic can sound bad if not done properly, but they can also be the best speakers for the money and shine as well as their paired amps allow them to.

In full disclosure I am a Scansonic dealer, but before I became one I purchased an MB-6B, which replaced my previous Wilson Yvette. I since upgraded to Borresen Z3 Cryo. I also personally own a pair of Magnepan 1.7i. 

you should listen to the monitor audio platinum 200 ll and 300 ll, very natural sounding three-dimensional and a i r y and spacious the sound just envelops the whole room.



+1 used Olympica 3 perhaps.


After pursuing ethereal sound with exotic and expensive amps I concluded that the reason so many dynamic speaker systems are on the market was because the technology lends itself to realistic and coherent sound reproduction.

After years of attending symphonies every other week and listening to acoustic music I made the connection between Sonus Faber and natural, musical, sound reproduction. I bought a used pair of SF Cremona to test my hypothesis… within a week I ordered the brand new SF Olympica 3… from the first batch that was then “on water” on a ship, on the way. Some ten years ago, I now love Sonus Faber Speakers. They simply do everything well and look fantastic as well.

I now own SF Amati Traditional. Being retired… I now find it hard to tear myself away for my system, even after hours of listening. See my systems… under my UserID.

I am a big Maggie fan, if you have a good room and amp for them, and it sounds like you do. JBL has been on a roll lately, and the S3900 would be a nice fit in your room. The 4 X 10" woofers will move a lot of air, while the horn mids and highs will deliver the dynamics. Monitor Audio has also hit their stride, and even the modest Silver 300 7G (which i have, as they fit my room and budget), has spectacular midrange and dynamics, even at low levels. The Gold and Platinum series  are simply more refined implementations of their design philosophy and furniture skills.