ProAc , Focal and Vienna acoustic

My system -Bel Canto CD3t transport , Bel Canto DAC 2.5 , Jeff Rowland Capri -pre-amp , Bryston 7B-ST mono block -amp. Magneplanar MG 1.6 speaker . I like to buy a 2nd pair of speaker. My music taste is classical, jazz and some pop music. I audition ProAc D18 , D28. Focal chorus 826W and Vienna acoustic Beethoven baby grand. Any suggestion which one is more accurate, neutral and with good bass and room friendly , my listening room is about 10 ft x 12ft. My budget is around $4000.
Do you have the Maggies in the 10x12 room? That seems like a small room for them.
Considering you taste in music I would think the Viennas for sure. Great bass and very smooth upper end. Have not heard the ProAc's so cannot comment. Finally I would rule out the Focals. I have heard the Focals, and while a very good speaker for rock and pop, a little too lively and forward to classical and jazz.

As someone else pointed out, you had the chance to actually listen to all three. What did you think?
All different flavors of the same thing. In your 10x12 room I don't think it will matter much. You should be looking at minimonitors. Think ProAc Tablette.
Paraneer, you are right ,Focal is a bit too sharp and forward on jazz and classical. Viennas and ProAcs both is very smooth , good bass , less coloration . As I auditioning them in different room with different equipments, cannot do AB comparison and no final decision yet. as for re-sale value concern, looks like ProAc is better. Any suggestion. Thanks