Weak Link in chain as I upgrade from mid-fi?

This is a long post but want to be thorough in giving my setup and thoughts on it. Any feedback or thoughts welcome:

I finally caved and started to invest in a stereo setup after years dedicated to head-fi. Currently it's a 'starter' 2 way system focused entirely on digital and I'm pretty happy with it but want to sort of map out a good upgrade path, and am curious what if any 'obvious' weaker links I have in my chain...if theres something I could make a singular upgrade for and notice improvements without having to change a whole lot at once


SF Sonetto i
Arcam SA-20 for amp + dac
Bluesound Node 2i for streaming/Roon
Marantz CD-5005 for transport

I love the SF...maybe Id endgame at Olympica Nova or Electa amator standmounts or Sonetto V floors. I generally subscribe to the thought of affording the most full range in a 2.0 possible before getting standalone subs but if theres a sub that would blend well with my current Sonetto i's musically id be interested to know about it.

The Arcam is a purchase Im also very happy with for now. I do want a bit more convenience of the sort the Sa30 would provide, Roon endpoint, wireless etc, but when I do upgrade amp might opt for standalone dac/streamer and better analog int amp.

The CD5005 I like enough but curious how much more Id need to spend to get noticeable improvement, especially given the other gear I have. I only use it as transport currently. I can't even tell what Im missing...beyond knowing just how much better a system could be overall from my local hifishop listening.

If it matters, I want to stick with integrated as I upgrade, and maybe endgame with a Luxman 505 or something all analog, which would mean a proper dac as well (maybe replace blue sound as well to get a nice dac/streamer?)

I will not anytime in the foreseeable future have a 'listening room'...it will for a long time be combined living room/tv/stereo setup.

Open to any feedback or thoughts! 



Thanks for feedback

Yeah this is early on in a journey Im enjoying so far. I ideally want to maximize performance with the fewest components, even as far as where I ’finish’, but obviously will replace every part of this system more or less at some point.

Definitely enjoy focusing on myself as a music lover first, but its plain to hear what Id get going from sonetto I to O.N. 1 or electa amator III in terms of imaging capability and SS depth. Just the Olympica Nova standmount is a massive upgrade.

If, like I mentioned, I don’t really have a ’listening room’ or even a larger room...what is the best solution to getting some controlled but blended oomph in the lower octaves? I don’t want to overpower a room with floor standings (I’ve heard the Olympica Nova floors would do this likely)...
Would eventually getting nova i’s, then a sub be the best solution for a small space? alternatively the amator 2 way floor standing maybe is the best SF for a smaller space?

So far the low-end from the sonetto I is satisfactory for the known sacrifices im making but ideally I can get a good full range experience in a multiuse room that isn’t necessarily entirely laid out for speaker placement far from walls etc.

To map out an upgrade path 1st consider how much you are thinking to spend through out the trip. Do you plan on selling your existing equipment as they are replaced?

Then think about where to start, source end or speaker end. If source end I would look into a DAC. If speaker end then think of a matching amplifier as well.

I will get back with more thoughts, need to get offline for now.

Good luck in your audio travels enjoy the ride!


Haven't seen any headphone information. I'd add headphones or amp-headphone combo. Other than that, I see you like all of your components

Of the components you list, the Marantz is probably last in line for an upgrade if only being used as a transport.  Head of the line would probably be a stand-alone DAC as an addition, or complete replacement of the Arcam.  Have you considered a Hegel integrated or the Parasound HINT?


your system is reasonably well balanced as it is, good job (and good job on asking for advice in a way that is informative to us who can provide it!)

i would say in your case, getting a rel sub to couple with the sf’s would be the biggest single move, then second move would be a better dac - maybe a schiit gumby, mhdt tube dac or chord 2qute/qutest (depending on whether you want more transparency or warmth in your improved sound), third move would be to get a better integrated like a hegel, but the sonic impact would only be felt in this move only if the first two moves were done

good luck, have fun