Ali Baba


I run Tara Labs cables (The One) and looking for a new interconnect as I need a longer cable.  These cables are thousands of dollars but $100 on Ali Baba.  I know they CAN'T be real but just gotta ask.

This stuff is all counterfeit, correct?



Their stuff might perform 90%. Might be 10%.

Do ya feel lucky?

One thing for sure any returns are problematic.

One cable I got was NOT soldered at all on the hot lead one end.

He offered 10% discount on another one.


Yes it is all counterfeit. 

Look at companies like Zavfino Cable, Signal Cable or used before you buy this counterfeit crap.

Support small North American business not the CCP.

Chinese counterfeit wire manufacturers know exactly that wires make no difference. All they have to do is making them look the same and it works 99% of cases unless consumer decides to splice and see what's going on.