What do the arrows mean on my cable?

And how do I tell the difference between a digital cable and an RCA cable, they look the same.

Are the ones with the arrows more likely to be RCA for analog connections?


Why do you care?

You take the time to look at his history. If it bothers you that much just roll on so he can troll on.

To many forum cops here. 

i can’t believe you guys are still responding seriously to this clown’s posts... it is inane trolling

this character has started 108 discussion threads since 'joining' in january 2021 - not responses, 108 THREADS STARTED... give me a break...



By the way these are monster interconnects I’m talking about. It appears there is no way to tell the difference between RCA and digital cables. Monster never labeled there cables so once the original packaging is gone it's a problem


To another point, prompted by a comment up above, I have great difficulty typing and can’t use a computer anymore because controlling the mouse and using keyboard it’s too painful. I can’t touch the screen on an iPad without feeling pain and discomfort so the only thing I can do is voice control to an iPad. This is being dictated. But still even when things are dictated they require occasional touching the screen which is difficult so I limit myself in what I can do. I would love to be able to type freely to Xpress myself more so. Thank God I can voice control the Apple TV remote because the remote is too difficult to use also,


Could be grounding protocol.

When I have shielded wires - I’ve started making my own interconnects - I ground the shield to the source.

Most manufacturers will have arrows on wires. If not, I use the writing on the wires as “arrows” having the signal follow the direction of the writing.




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