Direct Drive

I am firmly in the digital camp, but I’ve dabbled in vinyl.  Back in the day I was fascinated by Technics Direct Drive tt, but couldn’t afford them.  I was stuck with my entry level Gerrard.  I have been sans turntable for about 5 years now but the new gear bug is biting.  I am interested in the Technics 1500 which comes with an Ortofon Red and included pre amp.  I have owned Rega P5 which I hated for its speed instability and a Clearaudio Concept which was boring as hell.

  Direct Drive was an anathema to audiophiles in the nineties but every time I heard  one it knocked my socks off.  What do the analogers here think of Direct Drive?  I listen to Classical Music exclusively 


@Mahler123 - time zone differences accounting for late reply. I'm not saying that the Technics is entry level. But given that you have had two pretty good turntables that didn't float your boat, I'm not sure a Technics 1500 will either and it's a very expensive way of accessing a handful of classical records not available on digital.

The reality is that digital hardware and software has improved very significantly in the last ten years, whereas analogue technology has plateaued to the extent that any improvements being made are largely at the bleeding edge of technology and price.


How does the Denon DP-A100 compare to the Technics models and also older Denons?

"The only thing that can possibly make noise in a DD is the spindle bearing. But guess what?? ALL belt drives and idler drives have a nearly identical spindle bearing as a DD. In reality, DD tables are 10-20 dB quieter than most all belt and idler drives. Just a fact!"

So, 1) The only thing that can possibly make noise in a DD is the spindle bearing.

2) ALL belt drives and idler drives have a nearly identical spindle bearing as a DD.

3) DD tables are 10-20 dB quieter than most all belt and idler drive.

Just a fact? Those statements make 2 large assumptions, then pirouette into a non-sequitur claiming DD turnables generate one tenth to one hundredth as much noise. Fascinating.

"Motor noise from DD??? Must be a cheap Fisher or BSR."

Not so, cogging was a major problem in older Technics. I do not know if they fixed it. Suffice to say, I would not buy a dd tt.

Yes, tangential arms sound a lot better. Or look at Thales.



I agree with everything that you say.  I prefer digital, and have many posts on the site detailing why, but I have deliberately refrained from recycling these comments here in the analog section asI have no wish to reignite that topic, although to some extent it is inevitable.

  I do think that it’s possible—perhaps not probable- that a DD may eliminate a few of the issues that I have had with other tables, notably speed stability and bloated, diffuse bass.

   I am looking at older DD tables, but some of the prices they command are getting close to the price of a new Technics.  I am concerned about motor noise and the reviews of the newer Technics seem to indicate that the newer tables have vanquished that issue.

  I also would like to get some use out of a couple of decent phono preamps that are sitting in my house.  I tried selling them a few years ago but there wasn’t much demand, and one buyer tried to Scam me.  The whole experience was so unpleasant that it put me off selling gear for the present (to be fair, when I sold the Clearaudio I made enough to buy my Melco and CA streamers, but the demand for pre amps doesn’t seem to be the same as the demand for turn tables).

  And finally, I just freaking want one.  I really wanted to buy a Technics back in the day, couldn’t do it, then when I reacquired an interest in vinyl they had disappeared.

When they were resurrected I wasn’t interested and wouldn’t have shelled out $18K anyway.  Now they are priced more realistically and I am getting the new gear bug.  Any move I make in digital at this price point will at best be a lateral, at worse be a downward move.

  It’s like owning a classic car that you might just take for a spin once a month.  Perhaps you have many other vehicles that can transport you more efficiently and more economically .  You just want the classic car for myriad other reasons that have nothing to do with getting from point A to point B.