your add’l info is quite helpful... always good to see folks coming here for advice provide ample useful input so we can be more informed to try to help you properly
a few additional thoughts -
1. life is short, if wilson sabrina x’s are it for you, you should go for it... why have regrets?
2. not sure how much of your speaker choice is driven by visuals, cosmetics and/or speaker set up constraints, or is it pretty much all about the sound? if the latter, please do not underestimate magnepans, while they look how they do, and demand to be out into the room they play in, they are absolutely superb when done right and provide a magical balance of live presence without attendant treble harshness
3. seems like you are bascailly quite sensitive to modern sizzly treble but still want the visceral impact of a live performance in the rest of the range, along with tonal correctness at good volumes - given this, i do agree with your notion of getting electronics that have tone controls, or the modern version of such, being digital signal processing/equalization - this will allow you to use speakers that are more alive sounding, but shelve down the treble