Help fine-tune my speaker search

I'm in the market for a new speaker and hoping to find something that blends what I like about the two that I'm using now -- KEF LS50 Meta and Nola Boxers (original).  Both speakers are really good at imaging and soundstage.  The Nola's are a little more organic sounding and go a little deeper on bass extension, but the Metas are much more revealing about what's in the music.  So I guess I'm looking for a speaker that provides detail while also sounding organic and musical and that is also dynamic enough for what I like to listen to -- jazz (old school and bebop), blues, and rock. 

The rest of my system right now is iFi Zen Stream >>> Denafrips Ares 2 >>> Schiit Freya + (Sylvania NOS tubes) >>>  Schiit Vidar (or McCormack DNA 1 original 1980s).  I also play around with a Yaqin MC-13S integrated tube amp with the Nolas.  For bass, I run 2 SVS SB-1000 Pros.  Long term I see myself sticking with some combo of tube preamp and SS amp but can also see myself with all tubes someday.  The room is 14' wide x 24' long but only has 7' ceilings (basement room with concrete floors and sheetrock walls).   I'm thinking of staying with bookshelf speakers on stands and using subs, vs going with floorstander.  Easier to control bass that way and move around when needed.  Open to any other suggestions about my system.  After speakers, it will be power amp next.

Just started building a short list of what I want to audition but hoping the hive mind has some ideas for me. Thanks in advance.  Budget is $3K - $3.5K. 

  • Dynaudio Special 40
  • Paradigm Founder 40b
  • Paradigm Founder 80f  (floorstander)
  • Monitor Audio Gold 100
  • Vandersteen VLR CT
  • Nola Boxer S3
  • Nola Contender S3 (floorstander, for budget would have to be used)

Thanks, all.  My auditioning journey continued today.  I spent some time at HiFi Direct in Hackensack, NJ. It was my first time there and first time meeting Mike.  He  suggested I try Cabasse Murano bookshelf speakers. Wow!  Gorgeous speaker and sounded better than it looks.  Very natural, effortless and musical.  Everything sounded good.  I then listened to Dynaudio Special Forty, which were also very good, but very different.  The SP40s were a little more subdued but still did everything well.  They were a good combo of detail, soundstage and a nice full sound.  Really impressed by the Cabasse, though, because everything just sounded better. With both speakers I was hearing great music, but the Cabasse felt more real. Amp was a Line Magnetic LM-805ia. First time hearing a Line Magnetic and that was also very impressive. 

The best pairing I heard while there, though, was the Dynamikks Athos 10 with an Octave Audio V40SE. $44K of goodness.  If you can spend that kind of money on speakers, you should give them a listen.  I can’t at the moment but maybe someday.

The best thing about this search is going into these stores and meeting great people who know what they’re doing and discovering new gear and new music.

Really appreciate everyone’s feedback.

Well if you are near Hackensack then you are near NYC. Go on an audition binge! Spend a couple hours at all the high end places. You will fall in love with something. Try to just listen to music until it grabs you emotionally.

MA Gold or Focal Aria would be my start point if I were you.  Good luck, fun search.  

While you’re on your journey I’d recommend hitting Park Avenue Audio in Manhattan if you haven’t already and give a listen to the Boenicke W5 for a very enlightening experience. I haven’t heard them yet but hoping to go there next week as I’ll be in NYC for the NY Audio Show. I’d suggest leaving all your credit cards at home — you’ve been warned.  Just noticed they also carry QLN that would be very worth a listen too while you’re there.  Enjoy the journey!