Warming up digital in my setup

Here's my setup:

Hint6 (using embedded DAC)

Kef LS 50

PSA Subwoofer (x2)

DIY Mogami 4 wire speaker wire

Source:  iPhone + Amazon Music HD + USB cable



I can't quite dial in the my digital setup with the above gear - hoping you can help.  Bright glassy is what I get, but what I want is warm, organic, depth of sound.  I'm able to achieve the latter using analog.  Is it possible with the Hint6 DAC? 


Here's some info on the DAC:

  • ESS Sabre32 Reference DAC (ES9018K2M)
  • Asynchronous USB 2.0 supports PCM up to 384kHz/32-bit
  • USB input decodes Native DSD64, DSD128, DSD256 and DoP DSD





Also look at the Border Patrol DAC. Very warm sounding and reasonably priced. 

My first thought it's your source. I haven't used an Iphone but USB isn't Apple's first choice of output and the USB cable length could also be a problem if you're trying to sit on the couch while listening.  I'm sure you don't want to hear this but it could also be a bad speaker / amplifier match.

I'm also an Amazon Music HD user and it sounds OK but not good Qobuz.  Saying that a lot of the music I enjoy just isn't on Qobuz so I dropped them.

+1 Soix regarding the MHDT Orchid.  It only outputs 16 bit but will accept 192/24 bit.  It was never a problem "sound wise" for me.

Re: Speakers - If I move to anything else, it will be the LS60 and ditch the Hint6 all together.  Parasound & KEF are a great match IMO.  Plus, I really don't want to mess around too much with speakers / amp because I'm finally getting what I want to hear out of my analog setup.  The LS50 are here to stay (for now at least!).

I could be wrong, but I don't think an analog source would be able to compensate for bad speaker placement or bad amp/speaker combination.  If it was a setup/pairing issue i'd also loose the depth and soundstage. 

Border Patrol, Orchid, Denafrips Aries have always been those next level DACs.  That's probably where I need to go.  DAC aside, would cable length, connector type really have that much impact?