27 Years ago I purchased a brand new Audio Research D400 Mk.2 Amplifier. 200 Watts per channel solid state. Last weekend the capacitors blew out. I talked to Greg at Audio Research and he told me they do not work on this model because of it's age and that parts are no longer available. I need to buy a new amp. I have an Audio Research Ref. 5 SE pre amp and use Dali Helicon 800 mk. 2 speakers that are 89.5 efficiency.

The list of amplifiers that I am considering are as follows.

Coda 16, McIntosh MC462, Aesthetix Atlas Stereo, 

On the tube side I am considering,

Zesto Audio Bia120,  VTL S120, Ayon Triton Evo Mono's and maybe Audio Research Reference 160S but that really stretches the budget.

Does anyone have any of these amps?  I would really appreciate your suggestions.  So far I kind of like the Coda 16


Check out the BHK 250.  Great amp for the money, plenty of power, very quiet and nice expansive sound stage.  

As a matter of self interest I have a AGD Tempo for sale at The Music Room for $3850,.

Otherwise you should really try the Carver Crimson 275 and switch the tubes to Psvane KT88s and 12AX7 (Chinese, I know) if you like it with the stock TungSol KT 120s.  Ignore the naysayers on this amp!  You owe yourself a listen.

Also, recently came across the very cheap Micca 14ga speaker wire.  It will surprise you also.  Liked a single set and doubled it up to get even better results.

@johnread57: How do you compare the Pass amps to the Krell in terms of differences and similarities? 

All of those amps you listed are middle of the road. Look into a 30 grand Pilium integrated since I don’t trust whatever preamp you are hooking it up to either since audio research is entry level hifi and the later preamps I heard sounded like kind of bad! It is called the Odysseus. You can hear them in NY. I would also suggest a pair of new speakers since Dali is kind of bright.

YG acoustics Carmel 2 is good and easy to place in a room. Magic A5 also a fine entry level speaker. Another good one is an Amphion Krypton3 that are easy to place in a room like YG. Magico needs a little more room. From what I am reading you need to start over.