Ad hominem much?
By your stridency, I do believe I’ve struck a cord... er, chord. 😉
Yes, fine, you and some others have experienced "significant improvements" in the sound of your system by buying expensive cords... great. Enjoy.
Experience = subjective, by definition
Significant = subjective, usually, unless tightly defined
even Improvements = subjective
if we do adhere to the concept of let your ears decide...
... and if the OP wants to follow you into that replacement cord tangle, that’s fine w me... we all have our hobby or hobbies, right?
This subject reminds me of finances, in more than one regard. Esoteric financial products are not superior to intelligently implemented simple products. Many people buy way more insurance than they need... including "whole life" products... because they either don’t know the research or just because it makes them feel better. High priced hedge fund or other active professional managers, or amateur active traders, do not beat the indexed market in the long run, especially once the premium fees are extracted. Any that do, do it by statistical luck, not skill. But, people who buy into all that esoterica in the face of overwhelming long-term academic research to the contrary often feel better anyway and frequently think themselves smarter than us "uneducated" schlubs with our heads in the sand of our low-fee index funds... And that’s fine too.
It’s good to have a hobby, and I’m glad you found one that gets your juices going... more power to you and your system... my hope for you, in all sincerity, is that you someday find your own comfy satisfactory hole, or if you do not, then you will be comfortable with eternal wandering. It’s all good, whatever path you choose.
Few people follow the rabbit holes I follow through Kant and Wittgenstein, so hey... and I don’t blame ’em at all.
And it’s up to the OP or any other audience member to weigh it all out, consider his own priorities, and choose his or her own path, as well.