Can you comment on their sound? I heard the Def.IV's, which I enjoyed. Can anyone tell me if their are tonal differences. Warmer, more detailed, etc. I know the defs go deeper and are more dynamic.
As the Druid V's are 16 ohms, they would likely be better suited for a tube amp with 16 Ohm taps. I recently taked to Sean and Zu and that is specifically what he told me. I do know that Sean is a huge fan of the Pass amps and I bet he would be able to answer your question better than anyone.
If anyone has compared the Druid to Def mkIII or MkIV's I would love to hear the comparison also. I'm a current DefIII owner and would love to compare the two.
I just spent this week with Def3, Def4, and Druid5. Also, SIT-1 amps were available in the mix. I have Druid5 & Def4 in my own systems and helped a friend set up his new Def3s. I'll pull together a full circle view of all this in the next day or two.
Interesting that the recent 6Moons preview of the Druid Vs mentioned that in conjunction with the Submission sub, they possibly outperform the Def4s. Most interested in Phil's take on this. Personally I couldn't be more happy with my 4s.
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